Ausbildung, berufliche Laufbahn
2003 University of Vienna (Mag.iur., 2005 Dr. iur.)
2008 Vienna University of Economics and Business (Mag. rer. soc. oec.)
2003 – 2006 Research Fellow at the Institute for Civil and Business Law, Vienna University of Economics and Business
since 2007 Viehböck Breiter Schenk & Nau
since 2006 Member of the editorial team of the Journal for Financial Market Law (ZFR)
since 2006 Reader at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
since 2010 Solicitor at Viehböck Breiter Schenk & Nau
since 2012 Partner with Viehböck Breiter Schenk & Nau
Practice Areas
Company Formation & Green Field Investments
M&A and Restructuring
Corporate Finance & Banking
Real Estate
Dispute Resolution & Litigation
Functions / memberships
Rechtsanwaltskammer Niederösterreich (Bar association of Lower Austria)
JURISTENVERBAND Österreichischer Juristenverein (Jurist federation Austrian jurists association)
BNI Business Network International
WILL Worldwide Independent Lawyers League
Complete publication list Dr. Florian Linder
Commentary on §§41-44 GmbHG (contesting of shareholders’ resolutions), in Foglar/Deinhardstein/Aburumieh/Hoffenscher-Summer, GmbHG, 2nd edition (2022 in print)
Expectations of the expert opinion from the perspective of the civil lawyer, in Siart, Handbook of the Book Expert, 2nd edition (2022 in print)
Commentary on cohabitation, in Gischthaler/Höllwerth, Matrimonial and partnership law, 2nd edition (2022)
Selected questions on contesting shareholders’ resolutions in GmbH law, in Adensamer/Mitterecker, Shareholder dispute (2021)
From Amis to AvW – investor compensation according to §§ 75 ff WAG from the perspective of aggrieved investors, VbR 2015/52 (77)
Insolvency law in Austria, ZVglRWiss 2014, 394
Fictitious consent in bank GTCs, ZFR 2014, 116
Duty of disclosure of a GmbH & Co KG, GesRZ 2012, 266 (together with Lukas Schenk)
Inheritance purchase and inheritance liability, in Gruber/Kalss/Müller/Schauer, Inheritance law and succession (2010)
The management of a company in crisis, SWK 2009, W 127 (together with Günther Viehböck)
The company in divorce between matrimonial and corporate law, GesRZ 2007, 14
Minority Rights and Individual Rights of Shareholders (2006) (together with Susanne Kalss)
Warranty in England and Austria (2005)
Limitation of claims for damages against members of the executive board, ecolex 2005, 449 (together with Georg Eckert)